Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Student Driven Church Gets Web Presence!

Ekklesia Suwanee, a church in Gwinnett county, was literally built on the backs of students. Pastor John Strong ( just barely out of his teens) saw a need in his community for students to understand and embrace the love of Christ. With a few people meeting in his basement on friday nights, Ekklesia now has over 200 students and adults meeting at Covenent Life Church in Suwanee.
Atlanta Idea Studio, was approached by Ekklesia to create a website that would reflect who they are as a ministry. With not a lot in their budget to support the task, Atlanta Idea Studio saw a great opportunity to help a worthy cause led by young people with passion. AiS built a 3 page website that would give Ekklesia not only a face on the web, but determined that by creating a blog to link to their site would give them the ability to keep their church goers updated and well informed at all times. With a contemporary, yet historic gritty look, Atlanta Idea Studio achieved the goal that will put this ministry on the map!

view site!

1 comment:

  1. This gallery isn’t only for those who design church website; these examples are excellent sources of inspiration for any design project. Many of them involve excellent use of color, images, and graphics that draw attention right away.
